How to Send deadbeef Transactions with Alloy

Cow Photo by Jan Koetsier from Pexels

0x0000000 accounts are so last season. Now it’s all about vanity tx prefixes. In this blog post, we will learn how to impress your Etherscan followers and fry a few CPU cores along the way.

Vanity txs

It all started from this X thread. Apparently, there’s a bigbrainchad.eth bot, that extracts the MEV in style. All his txs hashes start with the 0xbeef prefix:

bigbrainchad.eth txs prefix

I immediately got jealous and also wanted to send a few cool-looking txs. Hence the birth of alloy-deadbeef lib, and soon my vanity tx landed on the mainnet:

0xdeadbeef on etherscan

Read on to learn about the lib’s implementation details and performance overhead of sending such fancy txs.

How to brute-force ETH tx prefix?

You can use alloy-deadbeef as an alloy filler:

let provider = ProviderBuilder::new()

All the txs sent from this provider will land with a 0xbeef prefix.

Or generate a tx object that will commit to the chain with the desired prefix (unless you change any of its data!):

let tx = TransactionRequest {
    from: Some(account),
    to: Some(account.into()),

let deadbeef = DeadbeefFiller::new(

let prefixed_tx = deadbeef.prefixed_tx(tx);

The lib brute forces a matching hash prefix, by incrementing the transaction gas_limit or value attribute. More details on that later.

We’re working with 16^n complexity here. Even Rust takes a while to crunch these numbers. To optimize performance, the lib is maxing out parallelism by spanning tokio task for each CPU available. The core loop looks like this:


let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(200);

let result: Option<U256> = loop {
    select! {
        _ = done.recv() => {
            break None;
        _ = futures::future::ready(()) => {
            let tx = tx.clone();
            let next_value = tx.value.unwrap_or_default() + U256::from(value);
            let tx_hash = tx_hash_for_value(tx, &wallet, next_value, &mut buf).await?;
            value += 1;

            let hash_str = format!("{:x}", &tx_hash);
            if hash_str.starts_with(&prefix) {
                let iters = value - starting_input;
                let total_iters = max_cores * iters;
                info!("Found matching tx hash: {tx_hash} after ~{total_iters} iterations");
                break Some(next_value);

async fn tx_hash_for_value(
    tx: TransactionRequest,
    wallet: &EthereumWallet,
    value: U256,
    buf: &mut Vec<u8>,
) -> Result<FixedBytes<32>> {
    let mut tx = tx;
    tx.value = Some(value);
    let tx_envelope =;
    let tx_hash = keccak256(&buf);

Tx hash is generated by running keccak256 on a signed transaction body, which is why we need to provide an EthereumWallet object. We use a select! macro to kill the remaining loops when the correct prefix is found.

Initially, I’ve used Arc<Mutex<bool>> like this:

  let is_done = done.lock().await;
  if *is_done {
      break None;

But multiple threads competing for the mutex lock on each loop did wreck the performance. It was ~6x slower than tokio CancellationToken:

Mutex vs CancellationToken performance

In the end, I’ve switched to tokio::sync::broadcast::channel. Contrary to CancellationToken, it does not require a separate crate, and is just as fast.

Another interesting discovery was that tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(0)) has a delay of ~1ms. It killed the performance until I replaced it with futures::future::ready(()), which is instant.

Benchmarking tx prefix generation

I wanted to include a benchmark showing how long on avg. it takes to find a matching prefix. But I’ve found out it’s very random. 0xbeef can take anywhere between 200ms and 900ms, depending on the rest of the transaction attributes. Instead, I’ve AI-ed my way to finding how many iterations are needed to produce the desired prefix with 99% probability:

Length Probability (1 in) Iterations for ~99% certainty
1 1/16 ~72
2 1/256 ~1,180
3 1/4,096 ~18,900
4 1/65,536 ~302,000
5 1/1,048,576 ~4,830,000
6 1/16,777,216 ~77,900,000
7 1/268,435,456 ~1,240,000,000
8 1/4,294,967,296 ~19,800,000,000
9 1/68,719,476,736 ~316,000,000,000

An interesting takeaway is that increasing the gas limit by up to 300,000 should not cause any issues with landing the transaction on-chain. The current implementation of alloy-deadbeef iterates on gas_limit instead of value for prefixes up to 4 characters. It means that we can also flex for non-payable transactions:

Non-payable vanity tx

Alternatively, you can force a specific iteration mode like this:

let mut deadbeef = DeadbeefFiller::new("beef".to_string(), wallet)?;

Let’s now analyze the maximum processing time. Assume we’re using a computer with 4 CPU cores and searching for 4-character prefix. Each loop has to process a maximum of 302,000 / 4 i.e. 75,500 iterations. So iteration starts from the following values for each of the loops:

  • 0 - 0
  • 1 - 75500
  • 2 - 151000
  • 3 - 256500

The table contains info on what’s the maximum processing time on my MBP M2 and beefed out 48 vCPUs Hetzner:

Length MBP M2 12 CPUs Hetzner VPS 48 vCPUs
1 547.58µs 397.69µs
2 5.81ms 3.18ms
3 123.86ms 45.38ms
4 1.82s 755.83ms
5 29.62s 12.08s
6 ~8 minutes* ~3 minutes
7 ~128 minutes* ~48 minutes*
8 ~34 hours* ~13 hours*
9 ~23 days* ~8 days*

* extrapolated

Hetzner VPS maxed out

Hetzner VPS maxed out crunching 0xdeadbeef

You can see that each additional prefix length increases processing time by ~16x, just as we’ve calculated. But these are the worst-case numbers.

deadbeef tx logs

My 0xdeadbeef tx in practice took ~1.5 hour and slightly over 2 billion iterations to generate. According to my AI friends, the probability of this happening was at ~37%.


Our research shows that it is possible to efficiently use up to 4 character-long prefixes. It could be a simple way to intimidate your MEV competition and assert alpha bot dominance. alloy-deadbeef was a fun weekend project. I’d love to learn how to optimize it further, so please send over any suggestions/PRs.

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